Unleash the potential of elastic and secure identity management solutions.

Good solutions when deployed efficiently can prove to be groundbreaking factors for your business development.

Our Simplified Identity Management Solutions Introduces Next-Gen Security

Pick from a big list of options that we can provide you to fix your Identity Management issues

Identity and Access Management

With the help of our solutions and their effective implementation, the system administrators can centrally manage users and their access to various applications. Executives can likewise stop access to applications for any user they want.

Integration with On-Premise AD/OAM

For businesses with existing enterprise frameworks like Active Directory, executives can use mechanized synchronization of clients and Single Sign-On.

Single Sign-On

With our amazing solutions users just sign in once into Identity Cloud Service and then they are able to gain one-click access to all their applications.

Token Solutions

This solution offers help for standard 2-legged and 3-legged connections covering User Authentication, User Consent, Identity Propagation and Web Service Authorization designs.

Identity Federation Solutions

These solutions offer help for standard SAML2, program POST Login and Logout Profiles.

Reporting Solutions

This solution generates dashboard information and reports from collected audit data.

IAM Vendor Support

Averon supports popular IAM solutions including Oracle IDM, CA Siteminder and SailPoint to effectively manage the end-to-end life cycle of user identities across all enterprise resources

User Authentication Solutions

This solution actualizes standard OpenID Connect (OIDC) 3-legged User Authentication streams over the standard OAuth2 convention. With these solutions in place, you can have interactive online and local applications leveraged on a standard program based OIDC streams to ask for client validation, accepting standard JWT-based character tokens passing on the client's confirmed personality.

Our Testimonials

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