Database High Availability Services

Averon architects and successfully deploys secured business critical applications

Reduce the chances of data outages due to security breaches.
Set up best practices today

Automatic Back-up

Copy back-up
Sync databases
Log-shipping topology


Manage the database replication process
Capture source transactions
Writable database

Database Mirroring

Support failover
Avoid database downtime
Disaster recovery and
High availability

Automatically diagnose persistent data failures to ensure that your database is up and running 99.99% of the time

Understand Availability & Performance SLAs

Improve the availability and performance ratio of your infrastructure with our experts that can develop solutions engineered to perform and give you tangible results.

Validate Your Database Performance SLAs

Install or update your database with the latest available certified patch sets. You can also configure your database using best practices to document your choices and configuration.

Establish Change Control Procedures

Averon's technical team will review current processes with stakeholders to ensure changes are validated. The stakeholders should include representatives for any unit that affects the business needs, functionality, presentation, and availability of your system.

Averon provides multi-dimensional services spread across a variety of databases

We can help your business move faster and reduce everyday costs by maximizing the potential of your database. That is why we provide strong functional support for the following widely used databases.

With the help of our specialized technicians, you can easily have failover cluster instances to leverage windows server failover clustering (WSFC) functionality to provide high local availability for your entire infrastructure.

We can harness the best of the oracle database management tools to give you minimum downtime, data outages, data loss, etc., to help you control costs.

Highlights of partnering with us

When selecting a database partner, make sure you're working with a team of certified experts who can provide the high availability (HA) services you require. Averon's database-certified engineers provide HA services and are always available to help, ensuring that your data is never lost. Partnering with us gives you access to low-cost services as well as the assurance that your data is secure.

Affordable Services
Anytime Support
Certified Team
Zero Data Loss Assured

Services that would accommodate business of any size

We have packages and offerings that can take care of database high availability issues for almost any business size. We understand the limitations of budget and that is why we offer flexible service offerings-

Critical single project requests

You can engage Averon’s technicians to solve a particular challenge helping you to meet production deadlines

Health and welfare system check

You can avail comprehensive packages that Averon has to offer such as complete database health check-up, server migrations etc. on an agreed time schedule.